Information for people following a colostomy. Provides guidance on dietary approaches during stages of recovery for long-term health.

Based on resources originally developed by NHS Borders.

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To provide dietary guidance for people following colostomy surgery.

  • The Target Group will understand what their surgery was and the progress of recovery following surgery.
  • The Target Group will understand the digestive process.
  • The Target Group will know what a stoma is and what the stoma output should look like.
  • The Target Group will know how to avoid stoma blockages, wind and other issues following surgery.

Kuczynska et al 2017, Conservative Measures for Managing Constipation in Patients Living With a Colostomy, Journal of Wound, Ostomy and Continence Nurses Vol 44 (2), 160-164
Mitchell et al 2021, Dietary management for people with an ileostomy: a scoping review, JBI Evidence Synthesis, 2188-2306
PEN, Healthy Eating Guidelines after Colostomy Surgery, 20/01/22 update [accessed 07/04/23]
PEN, Healthy Eating Guidelines after Ileostomy Surgery, 20/01/22 update [accessed 07/04/23]


NDR-UK Ref No: 9042
Publication Format: A5 leaflet
Classification: SHP
Pack size: 10
Publication date: 03/15
Last Review: 2023
Last Update: 29/11/2023

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