Sleeve Gastrectomy

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Dietary information to support development of new eating habits following sleeve gastrectomy.

This information should only be used with the guidance of a specialist dietitian as part of ongoing a post-surgery support plan.

Credit: 35

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Dietary information to support development of new eating habits following sleeve gastrectomy.

To provide information to ensure that consistent dietary/nutritional restrictions following a sleeve gastrectomy are understood and followed by the Target Group.

The target group will know:

  1. The four stages of the Sleeve Gastrectomy Diet
  2. To include high-protein, low-fat foods
  3. To avoid sweet/sugary foods
  4. To chew foods thoroughly
  5. Not to eat and drink together
  6. To avoid alcohol for the one year

M. O'Kane, H. M. Parretti, J. Pinkney, R. Welbourn, C. A. Hughes, J. Mok, N. Walker, D. Thomas, J. Devin, K. D. Coulman, G. Pinnock, R. L. Batterham, K. K. Mahawar, M. Sharma, A. I. Blakemore, I. McMillan, J. H. Barth, 2020. British Obesity and Metabolic Surgery Society Guidelines on perioperative and postoperative biochemical monitoring and micronutrient replacement for patients undergoing bariatric surgery—2020 update. Bariatric Surgery.

Endorsed by the British Obesity & Metabolic Surgery Society (BOMSS).

NDR-UK Ref No: 9008E_2020
Classification: DT
Related Printed Version: 9008
Publication Date: 03/14
Last Review: 2020
Last Update: 2023

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