How Do I Eat Well with Taste Changes?

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Information on how to deal with taste changes experienced through treatment, palliative care and/or cancer.

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To enable clients and their carers understand how to adapt their diet to cope with a range of side effects associated with their treatment and/or cancer, and to improve their nutrition and hydration.

The Target Group will understand how to adapt their diet to cope with a range of side effects associated with their cancer, its treatment and/or to improve the diet generally for people with eating/appetite difficulties during palliative care/convalescense.

ESPEN guidelines on nutrition in cancer patients (2016)

ESPEN expert group recommendations for action against cancer-related malnutrition (2016).  

NDR-UK Ref No: 9462
Classification: HP
Related Printed Version: 9462
Publication Date: 2019
Last Review: 2019
Last Update: 2019

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