Carbs & Cals - Carb & Calorie Counter (6th edition)

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Quick and easy way to count carbs, calories, protein, fat, saturated fat and fibre. Compare over 1700 foods and drinks with pictorial portions to judge nutritional content of meals.


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  • For Type 1 diabetes – to provide a visual guide to the carbohydrate content of a large variety of food and drink to aid people with carbohydrate counting.
  • For Type 2 diabetes to act as a resource to help with carbohydrate awareness and act as a portion size guide to aid weight loss in those who are trying to lose weight.
  • Resources were also developed with other groups in mind such as people wishing to lose or gain weight, sports, cystic fibrosis and renal . The resource is used in cystic fibrosis to help advise on weight gain and the fat content of foods to help with Creon dosing. In renal it is used for weight management and to understand the protein content of foods.

Carbohydrate awareness and calorie awareness of food. This will lead to an improvement in blood glucose control through more accurate counting of nutrients in food.

Evidence-based nutrition guidelines for the prevention and management of diabetes 2011, Diabetes UK(2013 amendment)
Training in flexible, intensive insulin management to enable dietary freedom in people with type 1 diabetes: dose adjustment for normal eating (DAFNE) randomised controlled trial. DAFNE Study Group British Medical Journal 2002; 325 (5)

NDR-UK Ref No: 9392
Classification: PiL
Pack size: 1
Publication date: 04/16
Last Review: 04/16

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