Carbs & Cals World Foods: A visual guide to African, Arabic, Caribbean and South Asian foods for diabetes & weight management

A nutrition resource for African, Arabic, Caribbean and South Asian communities in the UK, using the tried and tested Carbs & Cals format. The accessible, easy-to-use WORLD FOODS book contains photos of food and drinks commonly consumed in these cultures.


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If you’re from one of these communities and have type 2 or pre-diabetes, this book helps you understand the food you eat. Its visual style makes it easy to select portion sizes and foods to improve blood glucose levels and manage your weight.

It can also be used by people with type 1 diabetes, those looking to lose weight, and is the perfect support tool for healthcare professionals working in the clinical environment.

NDR-UK Ref No: 9511
Classification: HP
Pack size: 1
Publication date: 2019

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