Gluten-free Living Review

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Peer & Patient Review
Feedback & Risk Assessment
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Project Title

Gluten-free Living Review


Peer & Patient Review

NDR-UK are grateful to be working with specialist dietitians from NHS Lanarkshire, NHS Borders and Coeliac UK to review and update our popular resource, A guide to gluten free living (ref: 9144).

The updated draft resource is for people living with coeliac disease and/or dermatitis herpetiformis (DH).  It should be issued with the support of a dietitian to help people build knowledge to self-manage their coeliac disease and/or DH.

Learning outcomes

The reader (patient or carer) will:

  • understand their condition and symptoms (including neurological symptoms)
  • understand the long-term complications of non-compliance with diet and related guidelines
  • understand secondary complications of coeliac disease and/or DH and how to reduce risks
  • understand how to identify suitable foods, and read and interpret food labels to choose gluten-free options
  • understand how to avoid cross-contamination during food preparation
  • know where and how to access further information and support.

Thank you to everyone who has provided feedback via our first peer review.  We now welcome final comments on the revised draft from both peers and their patients on the clarity of key messages, suitability for purpose, length and amount of detail given.

Please provide feedback by email ( and/or by asking patients to respond via this downloadable questionnaire (MS Word) or an online version (MS Forms) accessible via the QR code below.  We would be grateful for all comments and feedback by 26/04/24.

Gluten Free Patient Questionnaire QR code

Upon the resource content being confirmed, we will update the teaching presentations to support group education for  people with coeliac disease and are exploring the development of 'bite-sized' video clips to help build understanding and confidence in self-management.

NDR-UK would like to support Coeliac UK for their continued support with this resource, project and related work.

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