Easier Swallowing Level 5

Information to support understanding and safe application of an IDDSI Level 5 MINCED & MOIST diet.  Also includes space to personalise with the client’s drink level. Guidance explains: what dysphagia is; why a texture modified diet is needed; standards for the IDDSI level; how to fortify foods if needed; how to prepare food for the diet, and; tips to avoid common problems. 


Credit: 28

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  • To reduce risk of harm, and improve safety and understanding, and quality of life. 
  • To reduce risk and raise awareness of aspiration, choking, dehydration and under nutrition.
  • To build understanding of the importance of nutrition and hydration. 
  • The target group will understand their eating, drinking and swallowing difficulties including the risk of aspiration and choking and malnutrition
  • The target group will understand the food and fluid consistency has been recommended for them
  • The target group will have the knowledge to prepare their food/fluid consistency. 
  • The target group will have the knowledge to apply dietary and fluid advice safely to ensure nourishment and hydration.

The International Dysphagia Diet Standardisation Initiative (IDDSI) Framework and Descriptors 

NDR-UK Ref No: 9457E
Classification: SHP
Related Printed Version: 9457
Publication Date: 2019
Last Review: 2023
Last Update: 2023

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