Low Fibre Diet

For patients following a low fibre diet to help ensure nutrient balance and minimise symptoms during IBD flare ups, post-surgery recovery and short term illness.

Developed in partnership with NHS Lothian.

Credit: 21

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To support people following a low-fibre diet to minimise symptoms, improve quality of life and promote overall nutrient balance for longer-term health.

The Target Group will:

  • know what foods to include a low-fibre diet
  • how to reintroduce fibre following a low-fibre diet
  • understand and assess symptoms to moderate their diet, to confidently control their symptoms in a balanced diet
  • know how to increase energy whilst on a low-fibre diet e.g. those who require nutritional support.
  • Lamb CA, Kennedy NA, Raine T, et al. British Society of Gastroenterology consensus guidelines on the management of inflammatory bowel disease in adults. Gut, 2019;0:1–106.
  • ESPEN practical guideline: Clinical Nutrition in inflammatory bowel disease. 2020.
NDR-UK Ref No: 9514E
Classification: SHP
Related Printed Version: 9514
Publication Date: 2021

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